MADALGO Summer School 2012


Student posters

Monday afternoon (August 20) is reserved for a student poster session.

We invite all summer school participants to bring a poster presenting their current research or thesis project.

There is no constraints on posters sizes. Multimedia presentations of participants work (e.g. animations) are also welcome (please let us know in advance if you plan a multimedia presentation).

In any case please send an email to Else Magård (  with the topic of your poster / presentation. If you include the poster/presentation in your email we will upload it to the webside below.

REMEMBER: It is important that you bring a PAPER VERSION of your poster to be presented at the summer school and you will also be responsible for mounting it. We will provide walls, pins etc. ready for you to mount.

Poster Title & Author


Title: cphVB: Solving Parallelization and Heterogeneity by Design
Name: Kenneth Skovhede
Affiliation: Niels Bohr Institutet


Title: Improved Analysis of the Average-Case Behavior of Classic Single-Source Shortest Path Approaches
Name: Volker Weichert
Affiliation: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main


Title: I/O-Efficient Dynamic Planar Range Skyline Queries
Name: Casper Kejlberg-Rasmussen
Affiliation: Aarhus University


Title: I/O efficient External-Memory Diameter Approximation
Name: David Veith
Affiliation: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Title: Computer Aided Melodic Analysis of Music Scores Using Suffix Tree
Name: Matevž Jekovec
Affiliation: University of Ljubljana


Title: Energy-Efficient Sorting using Solid State Disks
Name: Andreas Beckmann
Affiliation: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main


Title: Analysis of informativeness
Name: Евгений Штанов
Affiliation: Research Institute of Precision Instruments, Moscow


Title: A Framework for Knowledge-Based Complex Event Processing
Name: Kia Teymourian
Affiliation: Free University Berlin


Title: Parallel External Memory Model for Private-cache Chip Multiprocessors
Name: Nodari Sitchinava
Affiliation: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


Title: Extension of Planar Graph Drawings : Maximum Fan-crossing Free Graphs
Name: Hyuna Kim
Affiliation: KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)



Title: Online Labeling Problem
Name: Martin Babka, Jan Bulánek, Vladimír Čunát
Affiliation: Charles University in Prague


Title: Multi-Objective LZSS Compression
Name: Andrea Farruggia
Affiliation: University of Pisa


Title: Efficient q-gram Mining in SLP Compressed Strings
Name: Patrick Hagge Cording
Affiliation: Technical University of Denmark





Title: Parallel Algorithms for Shape Matching
Name: Ludmila Scharf
Affiliation: Freie Universität Berlin


Title: Adaptive and Approximate Orthogonal Range Counting
Name: Bryan Wilkinson
Affiliation: MADALGO, Aarhus University


Title: I/O-Optimizing compilers for Sparse Matrix Vector Product
Name: Tobias Lieber
Affiliation: ETH Zürich


Title: Parallel Main-Memory Indexing for Moving-
Object Query and Update Workloads
Name: Darius Šidlauskas
Affiliation: Aarhus University


Title: A Comparison of the Use of Virtual Versus Physical
Snapshots for Supporting Update-Intensive Workloads
Name: Darius Šidlauskas
Affiliation: Aarhus University



Title: CUDA for the algorithms of image informativeness and of automatic target detection and automatic type recognition (ATD/ATR)
Name: Eugeny Shanov
Affiliation: Research Institute of Precision Instruments, Moscow





Title: X-device processing by bitwise distribution
Name: Thibault Sellam
Affiliation: CWI





Title: On Improving Plan Quality via Local Enhancements
Name: Tomáš Balyo
Affiliation: Charles University in Prague


Title: Data warehouse's security in the cloud; an SaaS for data's encryption from an ETL
Name: Hana Gara
Affiliation: University of Tunis


MADALGO - Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, a Center of the Danish National Research Foundation / Department of Computer Science / Aarhus University