
  • Lars Arge and Mikkel Thorup get best paper award at ISACC 2013

  • MADALGO researchers publish in Nature Communications

  • Pankaj Agarwal appointed honorary doctor at Aarhus University

  • MADALGO Summer School 2013: Feature

  • Lars Arge in Danish TV News broadcast

  • MADALGO awarded grant from The Danish National Advanced Technology foundation

  • Danish Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education visits MADALGO

  • MADALGO selected as success story in a new DNRF publication

  • Lars Arge named 2012 ACM Fellow

  • Kasper receives Best Paper and Best Student Paper Award at STOC’12

Visitors to MADALGO


MADALGO in the media


MADALGO associate Jens-Christian Svenning recieves the Eliteforsk Award 2014



MADALGO associalte Jens-Christian Svenning recieved the Eliteforsk Award 2014 at the Eliteforsk conference February 6, 2014. MADALGO congratulates Jens-Christian Svenning with the honorable award.

Vaida Ceikuté obtained PhD degree


Title of the PhD dissertation:



Casper Kejlberg-Rasmussen obtained MADALGO PhD degree

Casper Kejlberg-Rasmussen obtained his PhD degree November 18, 2013.

Title of the PhD dissertation:



Best paper award, ISAAC

Lars Arge and Mikkel Thorup revieves best paper award at the 24th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation 2013 (ISAAC) with the paper 'RAM-Efficient External Memory Sorting'. The conference took place at the university of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Professor Robert E. Tarjan featured in PROSA in connection with MADALGO Summer School 2013


Professor Robert E. Tarjan is cited in the new volume of PROSA October 2013, amongst other things in connection with his visit to MADALGO during the MADALGO Summer School in August 2013. You can find the new volume of PROSA here.

MADALGO researchers publish in Nature Communications


Using big remote-sensing-based data sets, MADALGO assistant professor Brody Sandel and MADALGO associated professor Jens-Christian Svenning have published a study in Nature Communications showing that human impacts across the globe cause forests to become restricted to steep terrain. A press release can be found on Aarhus University's website".


Pankaj Agarwal appointed honorary doctor at Aarhus University


In connection with Aarhus University’s annual celebration on September 13, MADALGO advisory board member and close collaborator Professor Pankaj K. Agarwal of Duke University has been appointed honorary doctor at Aarhus University.
Interview by AU journalist, Rasmus Rørbæk, Pankaj says: I’m very pleased with the collaboration with Aarhus University and MADALGO, and I hope it will continue for many years to come”.

Photo: Lars Kruse

Lars Arge in TV news broadcast




Lars Arge participates in an in-depth TV news broadcast with the headline: Cloudburst season - New map will help find the way (Skybrudssæson - Nyt kort skal hjælpe på vej). The broadcast is made by DR2 Dagen.

MADALGO awarded grant from The Danish National Advanced Technology foundation



In collaboration with the company COWI and center startup SCALGO, MADALGO was awarded a 3M DKK grant from The Danish National Advanced Technology foundation to develop new and improved large-area flood risk screening tools. Press release.

Kasper Green Larsen obtained MADALGO PhD degree



  • Kasper Green Larsen, Aarhus, May 17, 2013.

The title of the PhD dissertation:

"Models and Techniques for Proving Data Structure Lower Bounds"

Danish Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education visits MADALGO




On Friday April 19 the Danish Minister for Science, innovation and Higher Education, Morten Østergaard visited MADALGO to see "What successful research and innovation look like".

MADALGO selected as success story in a new DNRF publication




The Danish National Research Foundation has selected 8 stories about how curiosity and ground-breaking research have led to application and commercialization.

The center welcomes one new Postdoc

Allan Grønlund Jørgensen will start in a collaborative industry post-doctoral research position on Marts 1, 2013. The involved partners are MADALGO and the company DSE Airport Solutions A/S. The three year project is financially supported with approximately 2M DKK by The Danish National Advanced Technology foundation. The purpose is to develop real time algorithms for the optimization of flight coordination in order to minimize flight delays.

Lars Arge named 2012 ACM Fellow


Center Director Lars Arge has been named a Fellow by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) for his contributions to massive data algorithmics. ACM is the worldwide organization for computer researchers and professionals, and ACM Fellow is the highest recognition given by the organization. It is only given to around 1% of its members. A press release about the nomination can be found on Aarhus University's website.

Lars Arge (mid) at Danish Festival of Research 2012 explaining his research to the Danish Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education, Morten Østergaard (right)

Gerth Stølting Brodal makes Christmas decoration generator





Gerth Stølting Brodal has made a program that can plait figures and letters into the template for making traditional Danish heart-shaped Christmas decorations - A Christmas decoration generator

Freek van Walderveen obtained MADALGO PhD degree



  • Freek van Walderveen, Aarhus, October 30, 2012.

The title of the PhD dissertation:

"External Memory Graph Algorithms and Range Searching Data Structures"

MADALGO programmer wins the Danish national Programming Contest 2012 together with two fellow students from Aarhus University





MADALGO programmar Mathias Rav together with his two fellow students Jana Kunert and Tobias Madsen both from Aarhus University wins the Danish national Programming contest 2012. The winning team call themselves "This could be your advert".

MADALGO associate, Jens-Christian Svenning, receives ERC grant





Jens-Christian Svenning receives ERC starting grant of 11 million kroner. The grant will be used to conduct informatics-based research on the function of ecosystems using large amounts of geospatial data.

Lasse Kosetski Deleuran obtained MADALGO PhD degree



  • Lasse Kosetski Deleuran, Aarhus, September 17, 2012.

The title of the PhD dissertation:

"Homotopic Polygonal Line Simplification."

Gerth Stølting Brodal elected Best Teacher of The Year 2012



Students at the Department of Computer Science elected MADALGO core researcher Gerth Stølting Brodal the Best Teacher of The Year 2012. At the nomination Gerth received credit from the student’s representative Morten Larsson who said: Gerth exhibits a fantastic teaching. Because of Gerth’s tremendous commitment his lessons are exciting and entertaining. Gerth makes studies easier for us.  

Kasper Green Larsen receives Best Paper and Best Student Paper Award at STOC’12




Kasper Green Larsen swept the board at STOC 2012 with his single authored paper "The Cell Probe Complexity of Dynamic Range Counting", as he received both the "Best Paper Award" and the "Danny Lewin Best Student Paper Award".

MADALGO participating in the Danish Festival of Research



At the Danish Festival of Research on April 20, 2012 MADALGO and ECOINF explained and demonstrated their research to the general Danish public and to the Danish minister of for Science. The outreach event was made possible with the contribution from Professors, Postdocs, and PhD students from both MADALGO and ECOINF.

Christian S. Jensen named 2011 ACM Fellow



MADALGO associate, Professor Christian Søndergaard Jensen has been named a Fellow by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) for his contributions to temporal and spatio-temporal data management. ACM is the worldwide organization for computer researchers and professionals, and ACM Fellow is the highest recognition given by the organization. It is only given to around 1% of its members. A press release about the results can be found on Aarhus University's website.


Kasper receives Best Student Paper Award at FOCS’11





MADALGO PhD student Kasper Green Larsen receives Best Student Paper Award at FOCS’11 held at Palm Springs, California from October 23-25, 2011.

MADALGO researchers publish in Science

As part of an interdisciplinary team led by MADALGO associated researcher and head of the Universities Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity Group (ECOINF) Professor Jens-Christian Svenning, MADALGO and ECOINF Postdoc Brody Sandel and MADALGO center director Lars Arge have published results in the prestigious Science magazine that show that ancient climate change has left a strong imprint on modern ecosystems. A press release about the results can be found on Science magazine news and on Aarhus University's website". Map: Brody Sandel; Photo: Dennis Pedersen

MADALGO associate, Jens-Christian Svenning, receives Ebbe Nielsen Prize



Jens-Christian Svenning was October 4, 2011 awarded with the Ebbe Nielsen Prize. The award is given by GBIF which was founded in 2001 to encourage free and open access to biodiversity data, via the Internet. The award amounts to 30.000 euro. Jens-Christian Svenning's collaborative research with MADALGO researchers has contributed to the succesful award.

Konstantinos Tsakalidis obtained MADALGO PhD degree


  • Konstantinos Tsakalidis, Århus, September 23, 2011.

The title of the PhD dissertation:

"Design and Analysis of Dynamic Data Structures"

The center welcomes two new Postdocs


Constantinos Tsirogiannis started on September 15, 2011 as a post-doctoral researcher. Formerly a PhD student at TU Eindhoven, his research is focused on geometric algorithms, terrain analysis and geographic information science.




Wei Yu strated on August 8, 2011 as a post-doctoral researcher. He received his PhD in IIIS, Tsinghua University. His main research area is communication complexity and its applications, especially lower bounds for data structures and streaming algorithms from communication complexity.


Pooya Davoodi obtained MADALGO PhD degree



  • Pooya Davood, Århus, July 4, 2011.

The title of the PhD dissertation:

"Data Structures: Range Queries and Space Efficiency"


Full professorship to two MADALGO core researchers



The two MADALGO core researchers Piotr Indyk og Erik Demaine have both been promoted to Full Professors at Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, MIT.

The center welcomes two new Postdocs

From left:

Cicimol Alexander started on June 1, 2011 as a post-doctoral researcher. She received her PhD from University of Leicester, UK. Her research interests are in the application of remote sensing data (including LiDAR) to global-change and ecological modelling.

Lap Kei Lee started on April 1, 2011 as a post-doctoral researcher. His research interests are in the design and analysis of algorithms, especially in data stream algorithms and online job scheduling.


Center Director Lars Arge elected member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences

Lars Arge has been elected member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences. The Academy consists of 660 of Denmark’s leading scientists and leaders within the technical sciences. New members are admitted upon advice from existing members, and after it has been assessed that they represents knowledge and a professional commitment that make them recognized in their professional community. Lars Arge is also a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters.


Five more MADALGO years

After a thorough international review process, the Danish National Research Foundation has awarded MADALGO another 40 Million Kroner. MADALGO was started in 2007 with a grant for a five year period, and the new grant extends the center until 2017. The center will continue to pursue its original research agenda based on an updated research plan, which also adds a new interdisciplinary database research activity in collaboration with Professor Christian S. Jensen and his group at Aarhus University.


PhD Course on Streaming Algorithms


MADALGO postdocs Lap Kei Lee and Qin Zhang are giving a 5 ECTS course on data stream algorithms in the 4rd Quarter (Q4, Spring 2011).

Television portrayal of Center director Lars Arge about elite research



The television portrait of Lars Arge is belonging to
a portrait series
produced by the Danish television channel DK4 and is a portrait series of the five researchers that in 2010 received the prestigious elite researcher awards from The Danish Minister of Research.


Course on Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms


MADALGO postdoc Elad Verbin is giving a 5 ECTS course on Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms in the 3rd Quarter (Spring 2011).


MADALGO PhD student, Kasper Green Larsen, receives the prestigious elite research travel scholarship

The Danish Minister of Research has awarded Kasper Green Larsen one of the prestigious 2011 elite research travel scholarship. The price is given to exceptionally talented young PhD students and consists of 300.000 Danish kroner. The scholarship enables Kasper to travel to Princeton University and spend six month there with the purpose of strengthening his international professional network in one of the strongest environments of his area (On Data Structures and Orthogonal Range Searching in Higher Dimensions). Kasper receives the award from the Minister of Research and HKH Crown Prince Frederik at a ceremony on January 27, 2011. Press release

Foto: Tariq Mikkel Khan


MADALGO associate, Christian S. Jensen, receives the prestigious VILLUM KANN RASMUSSEN Annual Award



Christian Søndergaard Jensen is January 24, 2011 awarded with the Villum Kann Rasmussen Annual Award for Technical and Scientific Research. The award is given by VILLUM KANN RASMUSSEN FONDEN, which was founded in 1971 by the late civil engineer Villum Kann Rasmussen. The award amounts to 2.500.000 Danish kroner.



The center welcomes one new PhD students



Course on Lower Bounds and Information Theory


MADALGO postdoc Elad Verbin is giving a 5 ECTS course on Lower Bounds and Information Theory in the 2nd Quarter (Fall 2010).


MADALGO PhD student at TopCoder Open 2010 in Las Vegas



MADALGO PhD student Mark Greve gained an impressive fifth place in his semifinal TopCoder Open 2010 in the category The Algorithm Competition.

Mark Greve and 24 other competitors gained access to the Finals held at the Mirage hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA from October 11 - 14, 2010. The finalists got at the finals after having competed among 5000 online competitors in the time period May 1 - August 7.


The center welcomes three new Postdocs

From left:

Brody Sandel started on July 1, 2010. He recently received his PhD from University of California, Berkeley. His research interests are in macroecology, biodiversity and climate change.

Elad Verbin started on August 1, 2010 as a post-doctoral researcher.

Qin Zhang started on August 1, 2010 as a post-doctoral researcher. He recently received his PhD from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research interests are in algorithms for massive data; data structures; approximation/online algorithms.


PhD student Kasper Dalgaard Larsen receives prestigious Google Fellowship


MADALGO student Kasper Dalgaard Larsen receives fellowship named "Google European Doctoral Fellowship in Search and Information Retrieval". With this fellowship Google wants to support innovative research in computer science by sponsoring excellence in graduate studies. Kasper will receive full coverage of tuition, fee and stipend for three years.
Google writes about the fellowship receivers: "These students have been exemplary thus far in their careers, and we’re looking forward to seeing them build upon their already impressive accomplishments."

PhD student Kasper Dalgaard Larsen featured in department video


MADALGO PhD student Kasper Dalgaard Larsen is one of the four students that is portrayed on the web pages of the Department of Computer Science, AU (in Danish). In the video Kasper explains his research and also talks about his work with teaching and mentoring of younger students in the international environment that MADALGO and the department constitutes.



Center Director Lars Arge featured in department video


The Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University has produced a number of short research highlight videos (in Danish). Center Director Lars Arge and the centers work on flood modeling is featured in the first video.


Allan Grønlund Jørgensen obtained MADALGO PhD degree



  • Allan Grønlund Jørgensen, Århus, April 29, 2010.

The title of the PhD dissertation:

"Data Structures: Sequence Problems, Range Queries, and Fault Tolerance"

MADALGO 2009 annual report available




The MADALGO 2009 annual report is now available. The report summarizes the centers research and activities in 2009 and briefly outlines planned 2010 work.


Post Doc Peyman Afshani receives prestigious NSERC fellowship



MADALGO Postdoc Peyman Afshani has won one of the prestigious postdoctoral fellowship awards from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The NSERC Post Doc program provides support to the most promising young (Canadian educated) researchers. The award grants a maximum of 80,000 Canadian dollars over 2 years.


MADALGO researchers sets world record in energy-efficient sorting



By combining and engineering algorithm techniques from several of the core theoretical MADALGO research areas, MADALGO researchers at Goethe-University Frankfurt and collaborators at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have set a world record in energy-efficient sorting. For obvious reasons, energy efficient computing is attracting increasing attention. MADALGO researchers beat the former record holders from Stanford University by a factor of three to four on the so-called JouleSort benchmark, where one is to sort 10GB, 100GB and 1TB of data, respectively, as energy efficient as possible.


Course on Advanced Range Searching

MADALGO Post Doc Peyman Afshani will be giving a PhD course (5 ECTS) titled "Advanced Range Searching" in the fourth quarter (spring 2010).
The course aims to provide the students with a detailed understanding of range searching and the important tools used in constructing data structures for range searching problems.


Gerth Stølting Brodal appointed member of Scientific advising Group

Gerth Stølting Brodal is by January 2010 appointed member of Scientific advising Group for the ESS Data Management Centre (videnskabelige rådgivningsgruppe vedr. ESS Data Management Centre).


Center Director Lars Arge receives prestigious elite researcher award


The Danish Minister of Research has awarded Lars Arge one of the five prestigious 2010 elite researcher awards. The price is given to exceptional younger researchers (under the age of 45) and consist of 1.200.000 Danish kroner, of which 200.000 kr is a personal price and 1.000.000 is to be used for research purposes. Lars Arge receives the award from the Minister of Research Helge Sander and HRH Crown Princess Mary at a ceremony on January 27, 2010. Press releases:

  HRH Crown Princess Mary of Denmark hands flowers to Lars Arge

MADALGO spin-off company SCALGO established

Aarhus University and several current and former MADALGO researchers, as well as a member of the MADALGO advisory board, have established the start-up company SCALGO (short for "Scalable Algorithmics"). The goal of SCALGO is to commercialize software for efficient processing of massive terrain data initially developed at MADALGO.


Course on I/O-Efficient Graph Algorithms



Norbert Zeh from Dalhousie University, who is on sabbatical at MADALGO, will be giving a PhD course (5 ECTS) on the state-of-art of I/O-Efficient Graph Algorithms in third quarter (spring 2010). MADALGO postdocs Nodari Sitchinava and Deepak Ajwani will lecture in the course.


Gerth Stølting Brodal was promoted to “Associate Professor with Exceptional Qualifications” (Lektor MSK)



The Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University has promoted Gerth Stølting Brodal to “Lektor with Særlige Kvalifikationer” (Lektor MSK) (Associate Professor with exceptional qualifications) as of 2009.


Lars Arge recognized with the Distinguished Scientist Grade by ACM


The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society - has recognized MADALGO center director, Professor Lars Arge with the Distinguished Scientist Grade. This member grade is used to recognize up to 10% of the top ACM members with at least 15 years of professional experience, who has achieved significant accomplishments or had a significant impact in the computing field. Previously, less than a handful of Danish Computer Scientists (mostly working abroad) have been recognized with advanced member grades in the ACM.


Martin Olsen obtained MADALGO PhD degree




The title of the PhD dissertation:

"Link Building"


  PhD Martin (left) and Gerth Stølting Brodal at Martin's reception.

Thomas Mølhave obtained MADALGO PhD degree



The title of the PhD dissertation:

"Handling Massive Terrains and Unreliable Memory"

MADALGO sponsors ALGO 2009

MADALGO sponsored some of the invited
speakers at ALGO 2009, the annual meeting combining the European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) and a number of smaller, specialized conferences and workshops. With hundreds of participants, ALGO is the major European algorithms conference. The conference took place on September 7 through 11 at the IT-University (ITU) in Copenhagen. The event included an invited talk by MADALGO core researcher Erik Demaine, as well as a bike ride from ITU to the Copenhagen town hall with participation of the Danish Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation Helge Sander.
  Center leader Lars Arge in discussion with Minister Helge Sander. Erik Demaine lectures on "Algorithms Meet Arts, Puzzles, and Magic"


The center welcomes one new Postdoc and one new PhD student


  • Nodari Sitchinava is starting September 14, 2009 as a post-doctoral researcher. He recently received his PhD from University of California, Irvine. His research interests are in parallel external memory algorithms.


  • Sarah Zakarias is starting August, 2009 as a Ph.D. honours-student. Sarah will decide her exact research focus area during her honours year. Sarah has her bachelor-degree in Computer Science from Aarhus University.


Course on Advanced Randomized Algorithms




MADALGO postdocs Peter Hachenberger, Mohammad Ali Abam, Deepak Ajwani, and Peyman Afshani are giving a 5 ECTS course on Advanced Randomized Algorithms in the second quarter of 2009.


Lars Arge Appointed Associate Editor

Marts 2009: Center Director Lars Arge appointed Associate Editor of ACM Journal on Experimental Algorithmics.

ACM Journal on Experimental Algorithmics

Important research workshop in China

Three MADALGO researchers (Lars Arge, Gerth Stølting Brodal and Peyman Afshani) will take part in the workshop "Current Trends in Algorithms, Complexity Theory and Cryptography", March 22 - 27, 2009 at Tsinghua University in Beijing. The goal of the workshop is to establish long-term collaboration between theoretical computer science researchers at Aarhus University and at Institute for Theoretical Computer Science at Tsinghua University (lead by Turing Award winner Andy Yao).

Advisory board assembled

MADALGO is happy that 6 leading international experts in the center research areas have agreed to serve on a board that will advise the center on research priorities.


The center welcomes one new Postdoc and two new PhD students



  • Peyman Afshani is starting February 1, 2009 as a post-doctoral researcher. He received his PhD in 2008 from university of Waterloo, Canada. His research area is theoretical computer science (design and analysis of algorithms) and he mostly focuses on discrete and computational geometry.


  • Casper Kejlberg-Rasmussen is starting February 1, 2009 as a Ph.D. honours-student supervised by Gerth Stølting Brodal. His research focus is on Computational Geometry, I/O algorithms. Casper has his bachelor-degree in Computer Science from Aarhus University.


  • Freek van Walderveen has arrived to start his PhD studies at MADALGO in the spring 2009. Freek comes from Eindhoven University of Technology were he worked in the algorithms group on space-filling curves.


MADALGO associate, Jens-Christian Svenning, appointed Professor



MADALGO associate, Jens-Christian Svenning has January 1, 2009 been appointed Professor of Ecoinformatics at the Department of Biological Sciences, Aarhus University.

MADALGO students in top-5
in the Northwestern Europe Regional Programming Contest (NWERC)

Following a local qualification tournament, CS @ Aarhus University sent 2 teams of three students to the NWERC 2008 in Utrecht, Holland. Team “MADALGO Men” finished in fourth place and team “The Underdogs” placed a fifth. Thus both AU teams finished in top-5 out of 47 participating teams.

In the competition teams are faced with five hours of problem solving. The problems are programming problems typically of algorithmic nature. The objective is to  solve as many problems as possible within the five hours with one computer per team. Scores are calculated mainly on the basis of how many problems the team solves and secondarily on the time spend to answer each problem correctly.

  MADALGO Participants from left: Adam E. N. Thomsen, Kasper D. Larsen, Thomas Mølhave (coach), Mark Greve and Jakob Truelsen. The remaining contestants were: Thomas Dueholm Hansen and Jens Boldsen.

Advanced course in Computational Geometry




MADALGO postdocs Mohammad Ali Abam and S. Srinivasa Rao are giving a 5 ECTS course on Advanced Computational Geometry in the fall of 2008.

  Postdocs Mohammad Ali Abam
and S. Srinivasa Rao

The center welcomes our new Postdoc



Kurt Mehlhorn receives honorary doctor degree

MADALGO core researcher Professor Kurt Mehlhorn appointed honorary doctor ( ”doctor honoris causa”) in Science at the University of Aarhus.

Mehlhorn received the honorary doctor degree at the celebration of the 80 year anniversary of University of Aarhus, September  12, 2008.

The center welcomes our new Postdoc




Two new PhD students starting August 2008


Lars Arge elected member of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters

On its April 10, 2008 meeting the The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters voted to elect center leader Lars Arge as a member.

Center leader Lars Arge participating in UNIK proposal selected by University of Aarhus

Based on internal pre-proposals the University of Aarhus Research Committee, the rectorate, and the circle of deans have selected 5 groups of researchers to submit proposals for the new prestigious UNIK (Investment capital for university research) program of the Danish government.

One of these groups consists of Center leader Lars Arge and 4 other researchers (including two members of the UN IPCC panel that received the 2007 Nobel peace price).

The group will submit the proposal "iCLIMA: integrated Climate Change-Ecosystems Research: Impacts and Adaptation".


Four new PhD students starting February 2008

  • Morten Revsbæk
  • Mark Greve
  • Jesper Moeslund Eshøj
  • Pooya Davoodi

Chair of ESA Steering Committee

First two MADALGO PhD degrees awarded

  PhD Gabriel and Ulrich Meyer at Gabriel's reception.

MADALGO will host SoCG 2009

At the buisness meeting of the 23rd Symposium on Computational Geometry in Korea, MADALGO bid for hosting the Symposium in 2009. MADALGO won the following vote and the 25th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry will thus be held at University of Aarhus. Exact dates will soon be announced.

The center welcomes two new Postdocs

Srinivas Rao Mohammad Abam

Two new PhD students starting summer 2007

Tenure award to two MADALGO core researchers

The center congratulates core center researchers for recently being awarded tenure at MIT.

Erik Demaine Piotr Indyk
MADALGO - Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, a Center of the Danish National Research Foundation / Department of Computer Science / Aarhus University