MADALGO Summer School 2013


Student posters

Monday afternoon (August 19) is reserved for a student poster session.

We invite all summer school participants to bring a poster presenting their current research or thesis project.

There is no constraints on posters sizes. Multimedia presentations of participants work (e.g. animations) are also welcome (please let us know in advance if you plan a multimedia presentation).

In any case please send an email to Else Magård (  with the topic of your poster / presentation. If you include the poster/presentation in your email we will upload it to the webside below.

REMEMBER: It is important that you bring a PAPER VERSION of your poster to be presented at the summer school and you will also be responsible for mounting it. We will provide walls, pins etc. ready for you to mount.

Poster Title & Author


Title: Advancements in Genetic Programming for Data Classification
Name: Hajira Jabeen
Affiliation: Iqra University


Title: Partially dynamic approximate shortest paths in unweighted, undirected graphs
Name: Sebastian Krinninger
Affiliation: University of Vienna


Title: Ad Exchange: General Envy-free Auctions with Mediators
Name: Veronika Loitzenbauer
Affiliation: University of Vienna


Title: Algorithmic Cartography – Labeling
Name: Benjamin Niedermann (ITI)
Affiliation: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


Title: Bicriteria LZ77 Compression
Name: Andrea Farruggia
Affiliation: University of Pisa


Title: Don't Thrash: How to Cache Your Hash on Flash
Name: Pablo Montes Arango
Affiliation: Stony Brook University


Title: Constructing Higher-Order Voronoi Diagrams of Polygonal Objects
Name: Maksym Zavershynskyi
Affiliation: Università della Svizzera italiana


Title: Processing of Extreme Moving-Object Update and Query Workloads in Main Memory
Name: Darius Šidlauskas
Affiliation: Aarhus University


Title: Simplification of Planar Decomposition
Name: Jakob Truelsen and Jungwoo Yang
Affiliation: Aarhus University


Title: Answering Queries Using a Time Machine
Name: Michael T. Goodrich and Paul Goodrich
Affiliation: University of California, Irvine and University of Chicago


Title: Indexing for Summary Queries: Theory and Practice
Name: Zhewei Wei
Affiliation: Aarhus University


Title: Distributed Algorithms for the Lovász Local Lemma and Graph Coloring
Name:  Hsin-Hao Su
Affiliation: University of Michigan and MADALGO


Title: Integer Sorting
Name: Jesper Asbjørn Sindahl Nielsen
Affiliation: Aarhus University


Title: I/O-Efficient Dynamic Planar Range Skyline Queries
Name: Casper Kejlberg-Rasmussen
Affiliation: Aarhus University


Title: Supervised Sentiment Extraction from Greek tweets
Name: Konstantina Makrynioti
Affiliation: Athens University of Economics and Business


Title: Fingerprints in Compressed Strings
Name: Patrick Hagge Cording and Søren Vind
Affiliation: Technical University of Denmark


Title: Work-stealing with Configurable Scheduling Strategies
Name: Martin Wimmer
Affiliation: Vienna University of Technology


Title: Ad Exchange: Envy-free Auctions with Mediators
Name: Veronika Loitzenbauer
Affiliation: University of Vienna

Will be available at poster session


Title: Mimicking Networks
Name: Mathias Bæk Tejs Knudsen
Affiliation: DIKU

Will be available at poster session


Title: Dynamic Traceroute Visualization at Multiple Abstraction Levels
Name: Marco Di Bartolomeo
Affiliation: Roma Tre University

Will be available at poster session


Title: Packing and Covering of Polygons with Geodesic Disks
Name: Ivo Vigan
Affiliation: CUNY

Will be available at poster session


MADALGO - Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, a Center of the Danish National Research Foundation / Department of Computer Science / Aarhus University