MADALGO Summer School 2013



A group of hotel rooms for summer school participants have been blocked.


At hotel CABINN (see photos) in downtown Aarhus we have blocked a group of rooms. CABINN is a relatively new (and thus relatively nice) budget hotel. It is easy to get from downtown Aarhus to the conference site in the Computer Science Department of Aarhus University.

Prices are:

Economy room: 495 DKK (~66 EUR ~86 USD)

Commodore room: 575 DKK (~77 EUR ~ 100 USD)

Breakfast is an additional 70 DKK (~ 9 EUR ~ 12 USD) per day per person for both room types.

Booking instructions

In order to take advantage of the group booking you must do the hotel reservation directly with the hotel by sending an email to the hotel at no later than July 1 (you should NOT use the online reservation form on the hotel web site). The email should contain the following information:

* Booking number: Group 1471011 (write in email subject line)
* Room preference (economy or commodore)
* Breakfast indication (breakfast or no breakfast)
* Arrival and departure dates
* First and last name of occupant
* Nationality of occupant


We have two airports close to Aarhus that you may arrive to : Aarhus Airport, Tirstrup (AAR) and Billund Airport (BLL). Airport busses from the two airports have differential routes and stops in Aarhus City. See Travel information page for more information



MADALGO - Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, a Center of the Danish National Research Foundation / Department of Computer Science / Aarhus University