MADALGO Summer School 2013 |
Course material
Handouts, notes from lectures etc. will be accessible from this web page as they are produced by the lecturers.
Lecture notes
Succinct Data Structures by Ian Munro
Hashing 3 by Rasmus Pagh
Hashing 3: Exercise by Rasmus Pagh
Hashing 2 by Rasmus Pagh
Hashing 2: Exercise by Rasmus Pagh
Counting in Binary Amortized and Worst-Case Efficiency by Robert E. Tarjan
On-line vs. Off-line Algorithms: Competitive Analysis Move-to-Front List Rearrangement by Robert E. Tarjan
Binary Search Trees by Robert E. Tarjan
Balanced Binary Search Trees by Robert E. Tarjan
Self-Adjusting Search trees by Robert E. Tarjan
Disjoint Set Union via Compressed Trees by Robert E. Tarjan
Incremental Cycle Detection & Topological Ordering & Strong Components by Robert E. Tarjan
Hashing 1 by Rasmus Pagh
Hashing 1: Exercise by Rasmus Pagh
Dynamic Graph Algorithm lecture 4 by Valerie King
Dynamic Graph Algorithm lecture 3 by Valerie King
Dynamic Graph Algorithm lecture 1 & 2 by Valerie King
Old and New Results on
Fundamental Data Structures by Robert E. Tarjan
Background literature
- Especially related to Ian Munro's lectures on: "Succinct Data Structures": Chapeter 1 in CRC Handbook on Data Structures and Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC): Succinct representation of data structures.
- Especially related to Valerie King's lectures on: "Dynamic Graph Algorithms": List of literature.