Student posters
Monday afternoon (August 16) is reserved for a student poster session.
We invite all summer school participants to bring a poster presenting their current research or thesis project.
There is no constraints on posters sizes. Multimedia presentations of participants work (e.g. animations) are also welcome (please let us know in advance if you plan a multimedia presentation).
In any case please send an email to Else Magård ( with the topic of your poster / presentation. If you include the poster/presentation we will upload it to the webside below.
REMEMBER: It is important that you bring a PAPER VERSION of your poster to be presented at the summer school and you will also be responsible for mounting it. We will provide walls, pins etc. ready for you to mount.
Poster Title & Author |
Poster |
Title: Dimension detection via slivers
Name: Man Kwun
Affiliation: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |

Title: Edge Flips in Surface Meshes
Name: Jiongxin Jin
Affiliation: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |

Title: Persistent Spatial Data Structures
Name: Stuart MacGillivray
Affiliation: University of New Brunswick |

Title: Voronoi Diagrams in L-infinity - for VLSI Critical Area Computation
Name: Sandeep Kumar Dey
Affiliation: Università della Svizzera italiana |

Title: Cleaning sonar terrain data
Name: Freek van Walderveen
Affiliation: MADALGO, Aarhus University |
Title: Cell Probe Lower Bounds and Approximations for Range Mode
Name: Mark Greve and Jakob Truelsen
Affiliation: MADALGO, Aarhus University |
Title: Parallel External Memory Model for Private-cache Chip Multiprocessors
Name: Nodari Sitchinava
Affiliation: MADALGO, Aarhus University |
