Visitors travelling to Denmark from abroad

Typically you will arrive by plane to either one of the airports: Copenhagen, Billund, or Tirstrup.

Airport overview

Aarhus Airport, Tirstrup (AAR)

Is a smaller airport and the one situated closest to the city of Aarhus. There are good airport bus connections from Tirstrup to Aarhus City. The bus ride to Aarhus is 50 minutes and the fair is 85-DKR (12 EUR) one way. The bus terminal is in front of Aarhus central train station, but upon request the bus may stop at the University.

Billund airport (BLL)

Is situated 120 km south of Aarhus. There are busses from the airport to Aarhus though not directly in connection to every flight. See bus schedule. The bus ride to Aarhus is 1 ½ hour and the fair is 180-DKR (24 EUR) one way. The bus terminal is by the main entrance to the Radisson SAS Hotel/Scandinavian Congress Centre which is right by the central train station.

Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup (CPH)

The principal international airport in Denmark is situated close to Copenhagen. To get to Aarhus you can either choose a domestic flight to Tirstrup (check if there are favourable prize connected to your long distance ticket when booking your ticket) or take the train. Flight time is 40 minutes with a cost depending on your travelling company. The train ride time is 3 ½ hour with a cost of approximately 400DKR (54 EUR) one way.

For links to interactive maps of travel routes etc. see visitors guide from the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus

When you have reached Aarhus

the map below gives you an overview of the different locations related to the summer school. The green line of the map shows the route of Bus no 7 that gets you from Aarhus downtown to the Lecture Hall. The walking distance from "CABINN" to the lecture hall is 2.3 km.

The original map without the annotations is available in pdf.

MADALGO - Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, a Center of the Danish National Research Foundation / Department of Computer Science / Aarhus University