MADALGO Summer School
August 18-21, 2008, Aarhus, Denmark
Cache-oblivious algorithms are algorithms that are efficient on any level of any memory hierarchy; they are basically algorithms developed for a two-level memory model (I/O-model) but without using any parameters describing the memory levels. Although it might seem hard to design algorithms for a memory hierarchy without using any hierarchy-specific parameters, many efficient cache-oblivious algorithms and data structures have nevertheless been developed since the cache-oblivious model was defined in the late 1990s. The goal of the summer school is to provide an in-depth introduction to some of the key issues in cache-oblivious algorithms and data structures.
The school will be taught by experts in the area of
cache-oblivious algorithms and data structures. The lecturers will include (more lectures to be announced):
Erik Demaine (MIT)
Gerth S. Brodal (MADALGO)
Norbert Zeh (Dalhousie University)
Nodari Sitchinava, (University of California, Irvine)
The summer school will take place on August 18-21, 2008 at Center for Massive Data Algorithmics (MADALGO) in the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
The school is targeted at graduate students, as well as researchers interested in an in-depth introduction to cache-oblivious algorithms.
The capacity of the summer school is limited. Prospective participants should register using the online registration form available here (if you have a problem linking to registration page from Internet Explorer try use Firefox) as soon as possible. Registering graduate students must also have their supervisor send a letter confirming their graduate student status directly to; the subject line of the email should be 'student_last_name/SS_2008/confirming'. Registration is on a first-come-first-serve basis and will close on June 15, 2008.
Registration is free; handouts, coffee breaks, lunches and a dinner will be provided by MADALGO and the University of Aarhus. Information on accomodation can be found here.
Lars Arge (MADALGO, Aarhus)
Gerth S. Brodal (MADALGO, Aarhus)
Erik Demaine (MADALGO, MIT)
Else Magård (MADALGO, Aarhus)
Dorthe Haagen Nielsen (CS, Aarhus)
Center for MAssive Data ALGOrithmics is a major basic research center funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. The center is located at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark, but also includes researchers at CSAIL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US, and at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics and at Frankfurt University in Germany. The center covers all areas of the design, analysis and implementation of algorithms and data structures for processing massive data (interpreted broadly to cover computations where data is large compared to the computational resources), but with a main focus on I/O-efficient, cache-oblivious and data stream algorithms.
MADALGO - Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, a Center of the Danish National Research Foundation / Department of Computer Science / Aarhus University