Course material
Handouts, notes from lectures etc. will be accessible from this web page as they are produced by the lecturers.
Note that school material (except background literature) will be given to all participants as printed versions at the school.
Lecture notes
Similarity Search in High Dimensions Lecture 1 by Piotr Indyk
Similarity Search in High Dimensions Lecture 2 by Piotr Indyk
Similarity Search in High Dimensions Lecture 3 by Piotr Indyk
combinatorics Lecture 1 & 2 by Nati Linial
The simplex algorithm and the Hirsch conjecture Lecture 1 by Thomas Dueholm Hansen
The simplex algorithm and the Hirsch conjecture Lecture 2 by Thomas Dueholm Hansen
The simplex algorithm and the Hirsch conjecture Lecture 3 by Thomas Dueholm Hansen
Embedding and
sketching Lecture 1 by Alexandr Andoni
Embedding and
sketching Lecture 2 by Alexandr Andoni
Embedding and
sketching Lecture 1 by Alexandr Andoni
List of background literature:
- Especially related to Ken Clarkson's lectures on "Metrics, Nets, Measures,
Dimension, and Search":
Nearest-neighbor searching and metric space dimensions, in G. Shakhnarovich, T. Darrell, and P. Indyk, editors, Nearest-Neighbor Methods for Learning and Vision: Theory and Practice, pages 15--59. MIT Press, 2006.
- Especially related to Nati Linial's lectures on "High-dimensional
What are high-dimensional permutations? How many are there? from a talk given at: IPAM reunion meeting in combinatorics, Lake Arrowhead, June '11
An upper bound on the number of high-dimensional permutations, Paper by Nati Linial and Zur Luria.
- Especially related to Thomas Dueholm Hansen's lectures on "The simplex algorithm
and the Hirsch conjecture":
J. Matousek, M. Sharir and E. Welzl.
A subexponential bound for linear programming.
Algorithmica, 16(4-5):498-516, 1996.
F. Santos.
A counterexample to the Hirsch conjecture.
CoRR, abs/1006.2814, 2010.
F. Eisenbrand, N. Hähnle, A. Razborov and T. Rothvoß.
Diameter of Polyhedra: Limits of Abstraction.
Math. Oper. Res. 35(4):786-794, 2010.
T. D. Hansen, P. B. Miltersen and U. Zwick.
Strategy iteration is strongly polynomial for 2-player turn-based stochastic games with a constant discount factor.
In Proc. of 2nd ICS, 2011.
O. Friedmann, T. D. Hansen and U. Zwick.
Subexponential lower bounds for randomized pivoting rules for the simplex algorithm.
In Proc. of 43rd STOC, 2011.