Some Selected Student Projects I have advised
Category Theory
Fall 2020.
Program Analysis and Verification
Fall 2020
Program Analysis and Verification
Fall 2019
Category Theory
Fall 2018.
Program Analysis and Verification
Fall 2018
Topos Theory
Spring 2018
Bachelor's Project in CS and IT
Spring 2018
Category Theory
Fall 2017, Quarter 3+4.
Program Analysis and Verification
Fall 2017
Computability and Logic
Fall 2016
Semantics of Programming Languages
Fall 2016
Semantics of Programming Languages
Fall 2015
Computability and Logic
Fall 2014, Quarter 1.
Semantics of Programming Languages
Spring 2014, Quarter 3+4.
Fall 2013, Quarter 2.
Computability and Logic
Fall 2013, Quarter 1.
Programming Language Seminar (Master's programme)
Fall 2012.
Introductory Programming (first semester B.Sc. course)
Fall 2011.
Project cluster - first year project
Spring 2011.
Introductory Programming
Fall 2010.
Programming Language Seminar
Fall 2010.
Modular Software Verification
Ph.D. seminar
Fall 2010.
Programming Workshop
Spring 2010.
Category Theory
Spring 2010.
Object-oriented Software Construction
Spring 2010.
Programming Workshop
Fall 2009.
Basic Programming with Project
Fall 2009.
Advanced Models and Programs
Spring 2009.
Object-oriented Programming - Introduction
Fall 2008.
Advanced Semantics
Ph.d. seminar
Fall 2008.
Ph.D. school on Logics and Semantics of State,
October 2008
One week international Ph.D. school at IT University of Copenhagen
Fall 2008.
Object-oriented Programming - Introduction
Spring 2008.
Advanced Models and Programs
Spring 2008.
Advanced Semantics
Ph.d. seminar
Fall 2007.
Object-oriented Programming - Introduction
Fall 2007.
Advanced Semantics
Ph.d. seminar
Spring 2007.
Advanced Models and Programs
Spring 2007.
Object-oriented Programming - Introduction
Spring 2007.
Category Theory
Fall 2006.
Advanced Semantics
Ph.d. seminar
Fall 2006.
Programming Project for SDT and MTG-T
Fall 2006.
XML Processing - methods, tools, and theoreis
Spring 2006.
Nominal Sets
Fall 2005.
Denotational Foundations of Functional Programming
Spring 2005.
Java on Mobile Devices
Spring 2005.
Categorical Logic Seminar
Ph.D. seminar course Categorial Logic.
Spring 2005.
Functional Design and Programming
Fall 2004.
Topos Theory Seminar
Ph.D. seminar course on Topos Theory.
Fall 2004.
Bigraphical Programming Languages
Study Group.
Fall 2004.
Topos Theory Seminar
Ph.D. seminar course on Topos Theory.
Spring 2004.
Topos Theory Seminar
Ph.D. seminar course on Topos Theory.
Fall 2003.
The Second-order Lambda Calculus
Ph.D. course.
Fall 2003.
Topos Theory Seminar
Ph.D. seminar course on Topos Theory.
Spring 2003.
Advanced XML / Data on the Web
Fall 2002.
Topos Theory Seminar
Ph.D. seminar course on Topos Theory.
Fall 2002.
Models and Languages for Concurrency and Mobility
Spring 2002.
Distributed Systems
Spring 2002.
Topos Theory Seminar
Ph.D. seminar course on Topos Theory.
Spring 2002.
Reasoning about Resources (RaR) Seminar: Reasoning
about Low-level Languages
Ph.D. seminar course on logics for reasoning about resources
with a focus on reasoning about low-level languages,
in particular languages with pointers and mutable data structures.
Fall 2001.
Topos Theory Seminar
Ph.D. seminar course on Topos Theory.
Fall 2001.
Category Theory Project
Introductory graduate project course on category theory.
Fall 2001.
Introductory Programming
Introductory programming course using Java.
Spring 2001.
Constructive Logic Project
Introductory graduate project on constructive logic.
Spring 2001.
Category Theory
Introductory graduate course on category theory.
Fall 2000.
Seminar on Categorical Logic (80-820)
Advanced graduate course on various aspects and applications of
categorical logic. Assumes some knowledge of basic topos theory.
Co-taught with Steven Awodey. Fall 1999. Carnegie Mellon University.