Models and Languages for Concurrency and Mobility
Spring 2002

Teacher: Lars Birkedal,, Glentevej 67, Room 2.21, 3816 8868
Guest Lecturer: Thomas Hildebrandt,, Glentevej 67, Room 2.46, 3816 8833

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to specify and analyze simple concurrent and mobile systems, in particular

The course will be based primarily on the book "Communicating and Mobile Systems: the Pi-calculus" by Robin Milner and thus we will cover the following topics: automata, sequential processes and bisimulation, concurrent processes and reaction, transitions and strong equivalence, observation equivalence (theory and examples), what is mobility ?, the pi-calculus and reaction, applications of the pi-calculus, sorts, objects and functions, commitmens and strong bisimulation, observational equivalence. Moreover, we will draw on recent research articles describing new suggestions for calculi for mobility, such as the ambient calculus.

Course Information

Lectures Thursdays, Glentevej, Room 1.03, 9:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Prerequisites Bachelor degree in computer science or the equivalent thereof.
Literature Robin Milner: Communicating and Mobile Systems: the pi-calculus and various articles (handed out during the course)
Credits 7.5 ECTS
Homework and Grading The course will be graded "passed" / "not-passed" based on a number of mandatory exercises to be handed in by the students, with an internal examiner.
Office Hour Thursdays 1:00 PM - 2 PM.
At this time you can come individually to the office of the lecturer of the day to discuss the course material or other questions.
Email-list TBA

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    Lars Birkedal