Ph.D. students


Laurits Svend Bligaard
Kwing Hei Li
Maxime Legoupil
Anders Alnor Mathiasen (co-advisor: Amin Timany)
Bastien Rousseau (co-advisor: Jean Pichon)
Egor Namakonov (co-advisor: Amin Timany)
Frederik Lerbjerg Aagaard
Sergei Stepanenko
Zongyuan Liu


Philipp Stassen Programming Language Semantics in Modal Type Theories
Simon Friis Vindum Separation Logic for Concurrency and Persistency
Daniel Gratzer Syntax and Semantics of Modal Type Theory
Abel Nieto (co-advisor: Amin Timany) Conflict-free Replicated Data Types have Abstract Data Types
Aina Linn Georges Designing and Proving Robust Safety of Efficient Capability Machine Programs
Simon Oddershede Gregersen: Higher-Order Separation Logic for Distributed Systems and Security
Zesen Qian: Concurrency and Races in Classical Linear Logic
Leo Stefanesco: (co-advised with Paul-Andre Mellies). Asynchronous and Relational Soundness Theorems for Concurrent Separation Logic
Marit Edna Ohlenbusch
Lau Skorstengaard: Formal Reasoning about Capability Machines
Kristoffer Just Andersen: Automatic Program Verification
Morten Krogh-Jespersen: Towards Modular Reasoning for Stateful and Concurrent Programs
Hans Bugge Grathwohl: Guarded Recursive Type Theory
Ales Bizjak: On Semantics and Applications of Guarded Recursion
Filip Sieczkowski: (co-advised with P. Sestoft): Towards Modular Reasoning for Realistic Programming Languages.
Jonas Braband Jensen: (co-advised with P. Sestoft): Enabling Concise and Modular Specifications in Separation Logic.
Hannes Mehnert (co-advised with P. Sestoft): Incremental Interactive Verification of the Correctness of Object-Oriented Software.
Kasper Svendsen: : Modular specification and verification for higher-order languages with state. (post.doc. at Aarhus University)
Alexandre Buisse: (Freelance photographer in France)
Jacob Thamsborg: : Denotational Logical Relations and Friends. (Edlund)
Troels C. Damgaard: : Developing Bigraphical Languages. (Edlund)
Ebbe Elsborg: Bigraphs: Modelling, Simulation, and Type Systems. (Geosystems)
Bodil Biering: Dialectica Interpretations: A Categorical Analysis. (Edlund)
Soren Debois (co-advised with Thomas Hildebrandt): Sortings and Bigraphs. (Post.doc. at ITU.)
Nina Bohr: Advances in Reasoning Principles for Contextual Equivalence and Termination. (Danish National Bank)
Rasmus Lerchedahl Petersen: Abstractions with Reasoning Principles via Denotational Semantics. (Post.doc. at Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
Noah Torp-Smith: Advances in Separation Logic. (Maconomy)
Rasmus Moegelberg: Categorical and Domain-theoretic Models of Parametric Polymorphism. (Steno Researcher at ITU, now Assoc. Prof. at ITU)