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Machine Learning, Q1+2 2016, teaching assistant.

dADS2, Q4 2016, teaching assistant.

Machine Learning, Q1+2 2015, teaching assistant.

dADS1/2, Q3/4 2015, teaching assistant.

dPersp, Q1 2014, teaching assistant.

dRegAut, Q4 2013, teaching assistant.

dADS1/2, Q3/4 2012, teaching assistant.

dComNet, Q2 2011, teaching assistant.

Instruction videos in the style of Khan Academy in Danish.

Activities and societies

Legend: U university level, F faculty level, D department level.
O official AU, S student organization.

F S Member of Mat/Fys-Tutorgruppen in 2011-2013 and 2015, web developer on the board in 2012-2013 and 2015.

D S Chairman of the board (FORM) in TÅGEKAMMERET in 2013/14. Organizing committee member for the 60th anniversary 2014-2016.

D O Appointed to the departmental forum of Computer Science in 2012-2016.

D O Appointed to the committee of studies of Computer Science in 2012-2016.

U O Appointed to AU Forum for Education in 2012-2014.

U S Elected for the AU political committee of the Student Council (AUPUS) in 2012-2013.

U S "Vil du være et nummer?" ("Do you want to be a number?"), a campaign against an executive decision at AU to revoke the personal department email addresses from all students. February 2012.

F O Elected for the board of studies at Aarhus University School of Science in 2012-2013.

D O Member of Computer Science Forum for Education (DUF) in 2011-2013.

F S Elected for Mat/Fys StudenterRåd and U S Fællesrådet in 2010-2013.

U S Representing the Student council on the board of Aarhus Student Radio in 2011.

Student council at Odense Katedralskole, student representative in the Communications committee.


PhD student at MADALGO from August 1, 2014.

Center programmer at MADALGO from September 1, 2011 until July 31, 2014.

Programming competitions

NWERC 2016 in Bath, England, coach of the two Aarhus teams who placed 62nd and 70th of 114.

NCPC 2016, local organizer at the Aarhus site.

IDI Open 2016, local organizer at the Aarhus site.

NWERC 2015 in Linköping, Sweden, coach of the two Aarhus teams who placed 37th and 46th of 94.

NCPC 2015, local organizer at the Aarhus site.

IDI Open 2015, local organizer at the Aarhus site.

NWERC 2014 in Linköping, Sweden on "Massive octo ninja", placed 20th of 93.

NCPC 2014 on "cloaked octo spice", placed 33th of 250.

IDI Open 2014 on "STR14 DEX13 CON8 INT7 WIS10 CHA15", placed 14th of 82.

NCPC 2013 on "This could be your advert", placed 27th of 253.

IDI Open 2013 on "Powered by Harboe Pilsner", placed 36th of 103.

NWERC 2012 in Delft, The Netherlands on "This could be your advert", placed 15th of 76.

NCPC 2012 on "This could be your advert", Danish champions 2012

IDI Open 2012 on "Followers of Stroustrup", placed first!

NWERC 2011 in Bremen, Germany on "Followers of Knuth", placed 20th of 64.

NCPC 2011 on "Team Rocket", placed 17th of 235.


  • September 2011-July 2014: Maintaining TPIE, the Templated Portable I/O Environment, Boost C++
  • September 2012-December 2012: dOvs Compiler Project, compiling a subset of Java 1.3 using OCaml and Menhir.
  • April 2012: MD5 brute forcer
  • February 2012-March 2012: opt, finding an optimal assignment of people to apartments. (Bonus: Statistical tests for common mean of two normal samples, fast tournament tree implementation.)
  • February 2012-September 2012: Working on next year's tutor site
  • December 2011: plexio, multiplexed stdin/stdout/stderr access to a process via UNIX sockets, C
  • December 2011: TCTC, the templated compile-time calculator, C++
  • March 2011-September 2011: anyconsole, multiplexed stdin/stdout/stderr access to a process via UNIX sockets, Node.JS
  • July 2011: Connect 3D, Connect 4 in 3D, Three.js WebGL
  • November 2010-February 2011: cmines, multi-dimensional Minesweeper AI, ncurses C++
  • March 2011-January 2012: eggy.js, an IRC bot, irc.js Node.JS
  • 2009-2010: eggy.pl, an IRC bot, Net::IRC Perl
  • 2007-2008: Software powering Rav-stamps, PHP
  • May 2007: Chained, a Tetris Attack simulator, OpenGL C++


Games I (used to) play: Dwarf Fortress, 4D Minesweeper (solver), Minecraft

Languages I like: C++, Python, JavaScript/Node.js, Perl 5, HTML+CSS (sample: 1 2 3)

I use Git and Vim every day, and so should you.


Aarhus University, Computer Science PhD student (August 2014 until January 2019, expected).

Aarhus University, Computer Science MSc student (February 2014 until January 2017, expected).

Aarhus University, Computer Science BSc (September 2010 until February 2014).

Odense Katedralskole, STX student in 3.x, graduated 2010. Mathematics A, Physics B, Chemistry B (line of study) and Italian A, Drama C, Philosophy C (electives).