
  • Lars Arge and Mikkel Thorup get best paper award at ISACC 2013

  • MADALGO researchers publish in Nature Communications

  • Pankaj Agarwal appointed honorary doctor at Aarhus University

  • MADALGO Summer School 2013: Feature

  • Lars Arge in Danish TV News broadcast

  • MADALGO awarded grant from The Danish National Advanced Technology foundation

  • Danish Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education visits MADALGO

  • MADALGO selected as success story in a new DNRF publication

  • Lars Arge named 2012 ACM Fellow

  • Kasper receives Best Paper and Best Student Paper Award at STOC’12

Visitors to MADALGO


MADALGO in the media

MADALGO - Center for MAssive Data ALGOrithmics

MADALGO is a major basic research center funded by The Danish National Research Foundation.

The main motivation behind the center is the rapid increasing availability of massive high-quality data, and the desire to be able to access and process this data on many diverse computing platforms.

The main high-level objective of the center is to significantly advance fundamental algorithmic knowledge in the massive data processing area.

The center covers all areas of the design, analysis and implementation of algorithms and data structures for processing massive data (interpreted broadly to cover computations where data is large compared to the computational resources), with focus on four core research areas

  • I/O-efficient algorithms
  • cache-oblivious algorithms
  • streaming algorithms
  • algorithm engineering

The center builds on a strong international core research team and on a vibrant international environment at the main center site at Aarhus University.

Core researchers

MADALGO's core researchers are a team of eight world leading researchers located at four major algorithms research institutions:


Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics (MPI)


Institute for Computer Science, Goethe-University Frankfurt


Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL),
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University (AU)

MADALGO - Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, a Center of the Danish National Research Foundation / Department of Computer Science / Aarhus University