Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen

Portrait Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University (official personal page).
PhD, Aarhus University, 2006 (genealogy).

I was in 2007 at The University of Chicago for 1 year, funded by a Villum Kann Rasmussen postdoc fellowship, and in 2008-2009 at Aarhus University in a postdoc position for 2 years, funded by The Carlsberg Foundation.

My main research interests are computational complexity theory (in particular Boolean circuit complexity) and algorithmic game theory. Additional interests include algorithms in general.


DBLP entry

Google Scholar Citations


Computational Complexity of Equilibria and Fixed Points (2019-2023) funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

Program Committees

PC Chair: WINE 2022, SAGT 2021.
PC Member: CIAC 2025, AAMAS 2025, WINE 2024 (SPC), EC 2024, MFCS 2024, WINE 2023 (SPC), SAGT 2023, EC 2023, CIAC 2023, AAMAS 2023, AAMAS 2022, AAMAS 2021, SAGT 2018, MFCS 2014, MFCS 2013, SOFSEM 2012.


Currently teaching "Optimization" and "Theory of Algorithms and Computational Complexity".

Other service

Body of External examiners for Computer Science (Chairman)

Contact Information

Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen
Department of Computer Science
Aarhus University
IT-Parken, Aabogade 34
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Office:Nygaard 333
Phone:+45 2165 8246